
T.I.C.A. – Instituti i Artit Bashkekohor, Tirane ka kenqaesine te shpalle listen finale dhe ekspoziten me artistet e perzgjedhur per Cmimin e Artisteve te Rinj – ARDHJE 2016: 

Donika Çina

Lek M. Gjeloshi

Matilda Odobashi

Driant Zeneli


Donika Cina e nis kerkimin e saj nga ndodhi personale. Permes perdorimit te mjeteve te ndryshme te shprehjes, artistja hulumton boten e saj te brendshme, duke e transformuar ate ne nje univers te hapur per te gjithe. Driant Zeneli perqendrohet me se shumti ne ri-percaktimin e ideve te deshtimit, utopise dhe endrrave. Videot dhe performancat e tij bazohen ose krijojne tregime me nje ndjesi te mocme, te cilat i ofrojne shikuesit mundesine per te reflektuar mbi perpjekje mbinjerezore, por pa qene nevoja te shnderrohen ne heronj mitologjike. Lek Gjeloshi nderkohe perqendrohet ne hapesiren delikate dhe pothuajse te paperceptueshme qe gjendet mes boshllekut te asgjese dhe kerkesave te larta ndaj vetvetes apo individit. Ai hedh drite mbi faktin se ajo c’ka i ndan keto dy qendrime te kunderta eshte thjesht nje “celes” mendor, i cili si ne nje levizje ndezje/fikje, nderron qendrimin tone ndaj shoqerise dhe botes nga boshi i mohimit absolut tek pafundesia e mundesive qe gjendet tek premtimi. Matilda Odobashi nga ana tjeter, perqendrohet rreth dukjes se realitetit te pare nga syte e nje femije. Kjo pamje nga syte e femijeve – pra nga “poshte” – vendoset ne lidhje te shkurter me realitetin e ndertuar nga te rriturit – pra nga “lart”. Artistja e realizon kete marrdhenie kundershtuese ne instalacione the thjeshta ne te cilat shikuesi me se pari perjeton nje cast mahnitjeje, per t’ja lene vendin me pas perplasjes me realitetin e ashper te situates sociale ne vend. 

Me 7 Tetor, nje juri nderkombetare e perbere nga Elsa Demo – gazetare e kultures, Tirane, Albert Heta, kurator dhe drejtor i Stacion – Qendra e Artit Bashkekohor, Prishtine dhe Janka Vukmir, drejtore e Qendres se Artit Bashkekohor Zagreb, do te bashkebisedojne me artistet dhe do te shpallin fituesin e Cmimit ARDHJE 2016. Fituesi ndjek nje program residence prej dy muajsh prane Residency Unlimited ne New York te SH.B.A.


Inaugurimi i Cmimit per Artistet e Rinj Pamore – ARHJE dhe shpallja e fituesit per edicionin 2016: 

E Premte 7 Tetor, ora 19.00

Prane Galerise Zeta,

Rr. Abdyl Frashëri, Nr: 31, A/4, Hekla Center, Tirana 

ARDHJE 2016 qendron e hapur 7-14 Tetor dhe mbeshtetet bujarisht nga bashkepunimi me Galerine Zeta



T.I.C.A –Tirana Institute of Contemporary Art is pleased to announce the shortlist of the nominated artists for the Young Visual Artists Award - ARDHJE 2016

Donika Çina

Lek M. Gjeloshi

Matilda Odobashi

Driant Zeneli 


Donika Cina starts from small personal events, which become the center of her production. Through the use of different media of expression the artist explores her inner world, transforming it into a universe accessible to all. Driant Zeneli’s research rather focuses on the redefinition of the ideas of failure, utopia and dreams. Zeneli’s videos and performances create atmospheric fairy tales in which the viewer reflects on the possibility of superseding their own limits without assuming the role of a superhero.

The research of Lek M. Gjeloshi rather focuses on that subtle and almost imperceptible space between the void and demands of expectation; and he shows that what divides these contrary positions is merely a mental switch that changes our approach to the world from the nothingness of denial to the infinitude of promise. In his installations Gjeloshi seems to hover over this boundary by bringing the viewer into a void filled with expectations. Matilda Odobashi’s work focuses on the world as seen through the eyes of a child. This children’s view "from below" is somehow short-circuited with the constructed adult reality "from above" in simple installations in which the viewer first experiences wonder, while subsequently ending up confronting the harsh reality of the today's social situation.

 On October 7th, the international jury composed by: Elsa Demo – cultural journalist based in Tirana, Albert Heta – curator, director of Stacion Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina, and Janka Vukmir – curator and director of the Institute for Contemporary Art of Zagreb, will nominate the winner of the ARDHJE Award. The winner will attend a two months long residency at the Residency Unlimited in New York.

 Inauguration and announcement of the winner of Young Visual Artists Award – ARDHJE 2016:


Friday October 7th

Hrs: 7pm

At Zeta Gallery

Rr. Abdyl Frashëri, Nr: 31, A/4, Hekla Center, Tirana 

The exhibition will remain open, October 7 – 14 and is generously supported by Zeta Gallery.