Artistet finalist per CMIMIN PER ARTISTET E RINJ, ARDHJE 2016, jane: Donika Cina, Driant Zeneli, Lek M Gjeloshi dhe Matilda Odobashi
Artistet e perzgjedhur kane ndjekur shkollime te ndryshme dhe kane prejardhje te ndryshme artistike, te cilat reflektohen ne qasjet, prodhimtarine, metodologjine dhe ndjeshmerine e tyre artistike.
Donika Cina niset nga ngjarjet e vogla personale te cilat zene nje vend qendror ne krijimtarine e saj. Permes perdorimit te mediumeve te ndryshme, artistja hulumton boten e saj te brendeshme, duke e transformuar ate ne nje univers te kuptueshem per te gjithe.
Kerkimi i Driant Zenelit fokusohet me shume ne riformulimin e kuptimit te deshtimit, utopise dhe endrrave. Videot dhe performancat e tij rikrijojne gojedhena me atmosfere, duke i ofruar shikuesit mundesine per te reflektuar mbi testimin e kufizimeve dhe tejkalimin e kapaciteve personale, pa qene nevoja te shnderrohemi ne super-heronj.
Lek M Gjeloshi nga ana tjeter perqendrohet ne hapesiren e brishte, pothuaj te paperceptueshme mes asgjese dhe shpresave e pritshmerive. Ne punet e tij ai tregon se c’ka i ndan keto dy pozicione te kunderta eshte vec nje teke e mendjes qe na ben te nderrojme qendrim ndaj botes, duke kaluar nga zbrazetia e mohimit tek pamatesia e premtimit. Ne instalacionet e tij, Gjeloshi qendron pezull mbi kete kufi ndares, duke krijuar nje zbrazeti te mbushur me pritje per shikuesin.
Bota e pare me syte e nje femije dhe e realiteti i therrmuar shqiptar jane ne qender te punes se Matilda Odobashit. Ne instalacionet e saj te thjeshta ajo krijon nje lloj qarku te shkurter mes ketij kendveshtrimi “nga poshte” te femijeve, me realitetin e ndertuar “nga lart”, nga te rriturit. Ne punet e saj shikuesit i duhet te perjetoje nje lloj cudie, vetem per tu perplasur serish me realitetin e ashper te situates sociale te kohes.
TICA falenderon te gjithe artistet e rinj qe aplikuan per fazen perzgjedhese, si dhe kuratoret e artistet qe bashkepunuan ne nominimin e artisteve.
The artists selected for the 2016 Ardhje Prize are Donika Cina, Driant Zeneli, Lek M Gjeloshi, and Matilda Odobashi.
They have all received different training and have different backgrounds, which are reflected are in their artistic production, approaches, methodologies and sensibilities.
Donika Cina starts from small personal events, which become the center of her production. Through the use of different media of expression the artist explores her inner world, transforming it into a universe accessible to all.
Driant Zeneli’s research rather focuses on the redefinition of the ideas of failure, utopia and dreams. Zeneli’s videos and performances create atmospheric fairy tales in which the viewer reflects on the possibility of superseding their own limits without assuming the role of a superhero.
The research of Lek M Gjeloshi rather focuses on that subtle and almost imperceptible space between the void and demands of expectation; and he shows that what divides these contrary positions is merely a mental switch that changes our approach to the world from the nothingness of denial to the infinitude of promise. In his installations Gjeloshi seems to hover over this boundary by bringing the viewer into a void filled with expectations.
The world as seen through the eyes of a child and refracted by Albanian realities is the main focus of Matilda Odobashi’s work, which short circuits this view "from below" (by children) by the construction of reality " from above" (made by adults) in simple installations in which the viewer has to experience wonder to only confront the harsh reality of the today's social situation.
TICA thanks all young artists that applied for the selection phase of Ardhje Award, as well as all curators and artists that contributed with nominations during the process.
Stefano Romano / Helidon Gjergji, selecting committee for Young Visual Awards ARDHJE 2016