Cmimi ARDHJE eshte i vetmi cmim profesional per artin bashkekohor ne Shqiperi. Ky cmim siguron mbeshtetjen e munguar per realizimin e ideve te reja dhe projekteve te artisteve, te cilet perndryshe nuk kane shanse per t’u materializuar. Ky cmim gjithashtu ofron nje mundesi ekspozimi, me standartet me te larta profesionale, si dhe mundesine e shkelqyer per fituesin, te marre pjese ne nje rezidence prej 6 javesh ne New York te SH.B.A., se bashku me shume artiste dhe profesioniste te tjere nga bota, te vizitoje muze dhe galeri, si dhe te ndertoje nje rrjet kontaktesh qe do ta ndihmojne ne te ardhmen. Ky eshte i vetmi cmim i cili jepet nga nje juri profesionistesh nga vendi dhe bota dhe qe ndertohet mbi krijimtarine e paster te vete artisteve, duke u bere keshtu nje mjet i rendesishem per gjurmimin e zhvillimeve me te reja te artit bashkekohor ne vend.
T.I.C.A. – Tirana Institute of Contemporary Art is proud to announce the participating artists of its new residency program, T.I.C.A. AIRLAB 2012. As announced earlier this year, AIRLAB is a production oriented thematic Artist in Residency Program to be held during April-May and September-October of each year in Tirana. The theme of the AIRLAB for 2012 is Re-enactment as Artistic Strategy and the invited artists to attend the first period starting from April 1st are Vahida Ramujkic, Armando Lulaj, Astrit Ismaili.
ARDHJE 2014 - Motivimi i jurisë / The jury´s motivation
The jury´s motivation
The jury of the 2014 Ardhje Award was composed of Yane Calovski, artist from Skopje, Lumi Tan, curator from The Kitchen, New York, and Vincent van Gerven Oei, philosopher from Tirana. The jury would like to congratulate all the nominated artists on their critical and challenging work presented in the exhibition at Zeta Gallery. After a thorough examination of the different works and interviewing the four artists nominated for the Ardhje award, the jury arrived at the following decision.
The winner of the 2014 Ardhje Award is Pleurad Xhafa, for his critically engaged and investigative conceptual practice and uncompromising position as an artist who lends his voice to the underrepresented of society. Through his work he attends to the legacies of conceptual and documentary approaches in art, making it relevant in the landscape of contemporary art research and practice.
We hope that this award, an intensive six-week residency in New York, will be an opportunity to broaden the critical and reflexive way he has shown in his treatment of the social, political, and economic realities of Albanian society.
CMIMI ARDHJE 2014 / Shortlist of the nominated artists for the ARDHJE Award 2014
T.I.C.A –Tirana Institute of Contemporary Art, ka kënaqësinë të shpallë listën e artistëve të cilët do të konkurojnë për çmimin ARDHJE 2014:
Blerta HOCIA
Endri DANI
Klodian DEDA
Pleurad XHAFA
Fituesi i ARDHJE 2014 do të përzgjidhet nga juria profesioniste e përbërë nga: Lumi Tan -Asistent kuratore pranë The Kitchen, New York, Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei - Filozof, Organizator dhe Aktivist, i vendosur në Tiranë dhe Yane Calovski – Artist dhe Kurator që jeton dhe punon në Shkup.
Juria do të shpallë fituesin në ceremoninë që do të organizohet nga T.I.C.A më datë 20 Qershor 2014, në ambjentet e Galerisë ZETA.