
Project: Individual Utopias

Artist: Lala Rascic

Place: Zeta Art Gallery, rr. "Abdyl Frasheri", Hekla Center, P31, A/4, Tirane

The workshop took place between 3-5 May 2010 at Zeta Galeri in Tirana.


Aims of the workshop

Imagination School is aiming at raising the participant's awareness about contemporary art thru the inclusive practice of going thru all the steps of a creative process – from conceptualization to exhibition. During the workshop the participants will be introduced to some artistic techniques and some methods of contemporary art. Our aim is to find out how a random group that can represent a sample of Albanian society sees its own reality and how it envisaged the future in relation the the reality. How does an ideal world, a utopia look in their imaginations?

Exhibition “Individual Utopias”, performance and workshop "Imagination School" with artist Lala Raščić, is part of long term project INDIVIDUAL UTOPIAS NOW AND THEN – Discontinuity of generation dialogue or what do we have in common?, which is realised in cooperation with SCCA/ from Bosnia and Herzegovina, T.I.C.A. from Albania, and New Media from Novi Sad