A state of Change is the title of a workshop with 40 students and artists from Akademia e Arteve in Tirana. Geska Helena Andersson and Robert Brecevic (Performing Pictures) from the Interactive Institute in Stockholm, were invited by TICA to lead the workshop that took place during four intense days during the period 2-11 of March 2007.
The aim of the workshop was to introduce a new way of working with physical interfaces (buttons, switches, sensors) for interactive film installations and thus challenge the way moving images are usually presented. The workshop mixed theoretical seminars with practical exercises, and the students created their own video works on the theme A state of Change. The audience couldinteract with the works through external control mechanisms.
The results from the workshop – 6 collaborative projects – where shown during a well visited presentation/exhibition at the Academy. Artists and students that seldom or never before had worked with video or art involving technology used the VOS-player a video software developed by Performing Pictures.
A second part of the workshop is planned to take place during the Autumn 2007 in collaboration between TICA, the Interactive Institute and Akademia e Arteve in Tirana.