
Cmimi ARDHJE eshte i vetmi cmim profesional per artin bashkekohor ne Shqiperi. Ky cmim siguron mbeshtetjen e munguar per realizimin e ideve te reja dhe projekteve te artisteve, te cilet perndryshe nuk kane shanse per t’u materializuar. Ky cmim gjithashtu ofron nje mundesi ekspozimi, me standartet me te larta profesionale, si dhe mundesine e shkelqyer per fituesin, te marre pjese ne nje rezidence prej 6 javesh ne New York te SH.B.A., se bashku me shume artiste dhe profesioniste te tjere nga bota, te vizitoje muze dhe galeri, si dhe te ndertoje nje rrjet kontaktesh qe do ta ndihmojne ne te ardhmen. Ky eshte i vetmi cmim i cili jepet nga nje juri profesionistesh nga vendi dhe bota dhe qe ndertohet mbi krijimtarine e paster te vete artisteve, duke u bere keshtu nje mjet i rendesishem per gjurmimin e zhvillimeve me te reja te artit bashkekohor ne vend.


T.I.C.A. – Tirana Institute of Contemporary Art is proud to announce the participating artists of its new residency program, T.I.C.A. AIRLAB 2012. As announced earlier this year, AIRLAB is a production oriented thematic Artist in Residency Program to be held during April-May and September-October of each year in Tirana. The theme of the AIRLAB for 2012 is Re-enactment as Artistic Strategy and the invited artists to attend the first period starting from April 1st are Vahida Ramujkic, Armando Lulaj, Astrit Ismaili.

Why does gravity make things fall?

Why does gravity make things fall? is conceived and organized by the TICA -Tirana Institute of Contemporary Art, with the support of European Cultural Foundation, International Centre of Culture “Arbnori”, Institute of Tirana Biennale, Tirana Town Hall and Moving Culture. The exhibition is curated by Tina Finnäs.

TICA is proud to announce the launch of its extended residency program:


The AIR LAB consists of a re-worked profile of the existing artist in residency program of TICA. Through the generous support of Princ Claus Culturfund, and as part of the Network Partnership grant of the foundation, TICA AIRLAB will be able to organize two residency periods per year, for a period of three years. The residencies will be thematic, with a different theme to be explored every year. The residencies will also be multidisciplinary, with a focus on contemporary art but extending to other forms of expression, including theater, music, performance and architecture. Two other novelties within AIRLAB are the sending of one Albanian artist at a residency abroad, and a yearly digital publication, with documentation of the works and theoretical contributions on the yearly theme of the residency.

Things we wanted to know but never dared to ask

Opening at 25th of May 5 pm – 9 pm, at Tre Kullat, behind Qemal Stafa Stadium (close to pasticeri Venecia). Open 25th  May to 3rd of June, between 11am-6pm.

TICA’s second Residency Period is coming to an end and will be celebrated with an exhibition featuring works by the Residency artists:

Katarina Lundgren, living/ working in Stockholm, Sweden.
Leonard Qylafi, living/working in Tirana, Albania.
Karl Ingar Roys, living between Oslo, Norway & Berlin, Germany.
Katarina Zdjelar, living/working between Belgrade, Serbia & Rotterdam, Holland.