
Open call: ორთვიანი რეზიდენციები ტირანაში / two month residency opportunities in Tirana

TICA, გეოეართან თანამშრომლობით ხელოვანებს საქართველოდან გთავაზობთ ორთვიანი რეზიდენციის 2 შესაძლებლობას ტირანაში, TICA AIRLAB რეზიდენციაში. შერჩეული ხელოვანები იმუშავებენ რეზიდენციის თემის - „ამბების თხრობის“ ირგვლივ. 

TICA international A.I.R. program, in collaboration with GeoAIR invites artists from Georgia to apply for fully-funded 2 month residency visits at TICA AIRLAB in Tirana, Albania. Selected artists will work within the “storytelling” theme of the residency.

Host organization

AIRLAB at TICA – Tirana Institute of Contemporary Art

Storytelling as artistic practice

Stories may not actually breathe, but they can animate.[…] Stories animate human life; that is their work. Stories work with people, for people, and always stories work on people, affecting what people are able to see as real, as possible, and as worth doing or best avoided. What is it about stories—what are their particularities—that enables them to work as they do? More than mere curiosity is at stake in this question, because human life depends on the stories we tell: the sense of self that those stories impart, the relationships constructed around shared stories, and the sense of purpose that stories both propose and foreclose

—Arthur Frank, Letting Stories Breathe (2010)



T.I.C.A. – Tirana Institute of Contemporary Art has the pleasure to announce the group of artists that will attend the second period of PARTICIPATION – PARTICIPATORY PRACTICES AS ARTISTIC STRATEGY | AIRLAB 2013 to be held between the months of September and October.